Sunday, June 25, 2006

Hail to the king baby

The "Burger King" King promotion has been going on for quite some time. Though I still to this day have yet to see one of the ads on TV. This could of course be due to the fact that I don't watch TV. Oddly enough I probably watch more TV shows than most normal people. It's a story that just doesn't belong here. Regardless; the King's popularity has found fertile soil in that exploitive viral mutation factory we lovingly call the internet. Through it all there is one fundamental joke that Burger King wanted to say, and was undoubtedly pitched behind closed doors where it has remained. A joke they hinted at with their very first ad. "Wake up with the King." What was missing from the ad were two words that could have passed in more innocent times.

Those words?

"Inside You"

Wake up with the King inside you.

Could be clean, could be sexy, could be down right horrifying.

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